Thursday, January 3, 2008

Akita Fact

Akitas are large, males can weigh over 50kg.
Akitas do not bark unless there is a good reason.
Akitas may consider small animals as prey and hunt them.
Akitas are natural guardians.
Akitas are inherently aggressive towards other animals.
Male Akitas show aggression toward other male dogs, and female Akitas usually will not
tolerate another female.
Akitas are VERY food possessive.
Akitas do not like to be teased and can respond by biting.
Akitas consider eye contact a challenge and can react aggressively.
Akitas like to take charge.
Akitas should be obedience trained BY THEIR OWNER.
Akitas may respond with aggression if treated harshly.
Akitas enjoy carrying things around in their mouth, including your wrist!
Akitas are very family-oriented and are not happy when kept apart from the family.
Akitas are not hyperactive and fit into a sedentary household.
Akitas will live from 10-12 years with good care and proper nutrition.
Hypothyroid disease affects 70% of the breed.